
What type of truck do you need?

Interested in a below shipping option? 

Open Flatbed

Allowing for any type of loading, open flatbeds are the best choice for just about any load. With this trailer, drivers can load and go!

Dry Van

Dry vans let you load at the rate that fits your needs, all while keeping your freight from the elements.

Reefer Trailer

Is your freight temperature sensitive? Let us know your equipment requirements and we will strive for the most cost-effective service that we can provide.

Side Kit

Provides protection from all of the elements. They are able to be loaded from the rear, top and either side directly onto the bed. The driver secures the load in place and is on their way with your freight.


No matter what you need loaded, a conestoga is a great choice for your needs. Conestogas are much quicker to load than a standard flatbed or van. They get the driver back on the road and your freight heading towards it’s destination.